Fólkvangr Flock (pronounced folk-van-ger) is made up primarily of Icelandic, Gotland and Shetland sheep.
I’ve had many different breeds over the years but my heart lies with the primitives. I love their hardiness, their tenacious natures and their fiercely protective mothering skills.
Based in Wiltshire on the very edge of Salisbury plain we graze 40 ewes over 30 acres spread between three villages. Bred primarily for excellent quality, slow grown meat and breeding stock. We don’t send anything away till it’s at least 18 months old.
In recent years we’ve been concentrating more on improving the fleece, choosing quality stock and keeping numbers down to keep quality over quantity. We’ve gone from over 150 ewes and rams and it’s certainly easier on the feed bill! We breed pure but also love a good cross to create fantastic fibre animals. I’m particularly pleased with the Shetland/Gotland lambs and excited to see some Gotland/Icelandic lambs next year.
My husband Austin works full time as head of supply chain and planning UK for a medical diagnostics company and helps with the flock when he can. My son Max is home schooled and a great help, he has a wonderful way with the flock and he is chief photographer!
Until recently I was teaching farming skills and head of animal care at a farm supporting adults with learning difficulties and children who struggle in school settings, I had to give up work as I'm now carer for my parents full time but luckily it does give me more time to spend with the flock.