Flock Name:

Pplease complete the following steps to register your Icelandic pedigree sheep:
1. Enter details of each sheep (one at a time) in the registration form, press 'Add' button after each sheep is entered.
2. Review sheep details that have been entered. If any are incorrect, press 'DELETE' button to remove them and enter details again.
3. Once you are happy with the sheep details you have added, press the 'Submit' button to finalise your registrations and send to ISBOBI.


1. Registration Form

Enter the right-hand part of the ear tag as five digits, like this: 00023
Enter the name of your sheep (no breeder of flock name), like this: Arnfríður
Enter the date the sheep was born by clicking below and selecting the date from the calendar.
Select the sex of the sheep.
Enter the full tag number with no spaces, like this: UK123456/00023
Enter the full name. The breeder/flock name should be in capitals and the sheep name in normal case, like this: RAGNAROK Floki
Enter the full tag number with no spaces, like this: UK123456/00023
Enter the full name. The breeder/flock name should be in capitals and the sheep name in normal case, like this: KEFLAVIK Bjork
Enter the colour of the sheep, either black or moorit (brown). If the sheep is white then you probably don't know the underlying colour, so select white as the colour and the pattern. If you find out the true underlying colour at a later date, the record can be updated.
Enter the pattern of the sheep from the dropdown list.
Enter the kind of horns the sheep has.
Enter the total litter size that the sheep was part of.
Enter whether or not the sheep displays any spotting.
Enter any other details you think might be relevant to this sheep.


2. Sheep Details


3. Finalise and submit

Icelandic Sheep Breeders Of the British Isles